Resilient Heart 4 Art
However you’ve found your way here, welcome. I created this space to share my fledgling explorations in various art forms. A line from an Emily Dickinson poem, “I am out with lanterns looking for myself” captures my feeling about creating art. Art is, after all, an illumination of our interior landscape.
As a thought experiment, consider what might be different if Emily Dickinson had lived during a time with the internet. She may have found freedom in posting, knowing she could avoid others editing and misinterpreting her intent. She might have chosen to share her poetry in her lifetime rather than keeping her poems hidden away. We are left to wonder how having access to Emily's inner world while she was living, might have altered our understanding of her work and her own understanding of herself as a person.
The joy of self-expression can be experienced whether what is created is shared or kept private. Sharing creative explorations is a choice. I've chosen to share my illuminations here and hopefully, in the process, discover more of who I am.